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Independent Publications

(1) Philbin, C. S.; Dyer, L. A.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Glassmire, A. E.; Richards, L. A. Structural and compositional dimensions of phytochemical diversity in the genus Piper reflect distinct ecological modes of action. Journal of Ecology 2022, 110 (1), 57-67.

(2) Muth, F.; Philbin, C. S.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Leonard, A. S. Discovery of octopamine and tyramine in nectar and their effects on bumblebee behavior. iScience 2022.

(3) Massad, T. J.; Richards, L. A.; Philbin, C.; Fumiko Yamaguchi, L.; Kato, M. J.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Oliveira Jr, C.; Ochsenrider, K.; M. de Moraes, M.; Tepe, E. J. The chemical ecology of tropical forest diversity: Environmental variation, chemical similarity, herbivory, and richness. Ecology 2022, e3762.

(4) Glassmire, A.; Carson, W.; Smilanich, A.; Richards, L.; Jeffrey, C.; Dodson, C.; Philbin, C.; Humberto, G.; Dyer, L. Multiple and contrasting pressures determine intraspecific phytochemical variation in a tropical shrub. 2022.

(5) Uckele, K. A.; Jahner, J. P.; Tepe, E. J.; Richards, L. A.; Dyer, L. A.; Ochsenrider, K. M.; Philbin, C. S.; Kato, M. J.; Yamaguchi, L. F.; Forister, M. L. Phytochemistry reflects different evolutionary history in traditional classes versus specialized structural motifs. Scientific reports 2021, 11 (1), 1-14.

(6) Dyer, L. A.; Jeffrey, C. S. Chemically Mediated Multi-trophic Interactions. In Plant-Animal Interactions, Springer, Cham, 2021; pp 17-38.

(7) Decker, L. E.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Ochsenrider, K. M.; Potts, A. S.; de Roode, J. C.; Smilanich, A. M.; Hunter, M. D. Elevated atmospheric concentrations of CO2 increase endogenous immune function in a specialist herbivore. Journal of Animal Ecology 2021, 90 (3), 628-640.

(8) Uckele, K. A.; Jahner, J. P.; Tepe, E. J.; Richards, L. A.; Dyer, L. A.; Ochsenrider, K. M.; Philbin, C. S.; Kato, M. J.; Yamaguchi, L. F.; Forister, M. L. Evidence for both phylogenetic conservatism and lability in the evolution of secondary chemistry in a tropical angiosperm radiation. bioRxiv 2020.

(9) Maynard, L. D.; Slinn, H. L.; Glassmire, A. E.; Matarrita‐Carranza, B.; Dodson, C. D.; Nguyen, T. T.; Burroughs, M. J.; Dyer, L. A.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Whitehead, S. R. Secondary metabolites in a neotropical shrub: spatiotemporal allocation and role in fruit defense and dispersal. Ecology 2020, 101 (12), e03192.

(10) Matocq, M. D.; Ochsenrider, K. M.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Nielsen, D. P.; Richards, L. A. Fine-scale differentiation in diet and metabolomics of small mammals across a sharp ecological transition. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2020, 8, 282.

(11) Glassmire, A. E.; Philbin, C.; Richards, L. A.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Snook, J. S.; Dyer, L. A. Proximity to canopy mediates changes in the defensive chemistry and herbivore loads of an understory tropical shrub, Piper kelleyi. Ecology letters 2019, 22 (2), 332-341.

(12) Richards, L. A.; Oliveira, C.; Dyer, L. A.; Rumbaugh, A.; Urbano-Munoz, F.; Wallace, I. S.; Dodson, C. D.; Jeffrey, C. S. Shedding light on chemically mediated tri-trophic interactions: A 1H-NMR network approach to identify compound structural features and associated biological activity. Frontiers in plant science 2018, 9, 1155.

(13) Dyer, L. A.; Philbin, C. S.; Ochsenrider, K. M.; Richards, L. A.; Massad, T. J.; Smilanich, A. M.; Forister, M. L.; Parchman, T. L.; Galland, L. M.; Hurtado, P. J. Modern approaches to study plant–insect interactions in chemical ecology. Nature Reviews Chemistry 2018, 2 (6), 50-64.

(14) Massad, T. J.; Martins de Moraes, M.; Philbin, C.; Oliveira Jr, C.; Cebrian Torrejon, G.; Fumiko Yamaguchi, L.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Dyer, L. A.; Richards, L. A.; Kato, M. J. Similarity in volatile communities leads to increased herbivory and greater tropical forest diversity. 2017.

(15) Richards, L. A.; Glassmire, A. E.; Ochsenrider, K. M.; Smilanich, A. M.; Dodson, C. D.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Dyer, L. A. Phytochemical diversity and synergistic effects on herbivores. Phytochemistry Reviews 2016, 15 (6), 1153-1166.

(16) Gutierrez, Y. V.; Yamaguchi, L. F.; de Moraes, M. M.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Kato, M. J. Natural products from Peperomia: occurrence, biogenesis and bioactivity. Phytochemistry reviews 2016, 15 (6), 1009-1033.

(17) Glassmire, A. E.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Forister, M. L.; Parchman, T. L.; Nice, C. C.; Jahner, J. P.; Wilson, J. S.; Walla, T. R.; Richards, L. A.; Smilanich, A. M. Intraspecific phytochemical variation shapes community and population structure for specialist caterpillars. New Phytologist 2016, 212 (1), 208-219.

(18) Anumandla, D.; Acharya, A.; Jeffrey, C. S. Oxidative (3+ 2) cycloaddition reactions of diaza-oxyallyl cationic intermediates and indoles for the synthesis of imidazoloindolines. Organic letters 2016, 18 (3), 476-479.

(19) Acharya, A.; Montes, K.; Jeffrey, C. S. Access to 4-oxazolidinones: A (3+ 2) cycloaddition approach. Organic letters 2016, 18 (23), 6082-6085.

(20) Acharya, A.; Eickhoff, J.; Chen, K.; Catalano, V.; Jeffrey, C. Access to bicyclic hydroxamate macrocycles via intramolecular aza-(4+ 3) cyloaddition reactions of aza-oxyallylic cation intermediates. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2016, 3 (3), 330-334.

(21) Richards, L. A.; Dyer, L. A.; Forister, M. L.; Smilanich, A. M.; Dodson, C. D.; Leonard, M. D.; Jeffrey, C. S. Phytochemical diversity drives plant–insect community diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2015, 112 (35), 10973-10978.

(22) Barnes, K. L.; Chen, K.; Catalano, V. J.; Jeffrey, C. S. New building blocks for iminosugars: a concise synthesis of polyhydroxylated N-alkoxypiperidines through an intramolecular azepine ring contraction. Organic Chemistry Frontiers 2015, 2 (5), 497-501.

(23) Acharya, A.; Anumandla, D.; Jeffrey, C. S. Dearomative indole cycloaddition reactions of aza-oxyallyl cationic intermediates: modular access to pyrroloindolines. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137 (47), 14858-14860.

(24) Song, M.; Gorzalski, A.; Nguyen, T. T.; Liu, X.; Jeffrey, C.; Blomquist, G. J.; Tittiger, C. exo-Brevicomin biosynthesis in the fat body of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Journal of chemical ecology 2014, 40 (2), 181-189.

(25) Song, M.; Delaplain, P.; Nguyen, T. T.; Liu, X.; Wickenberg, L.; Jeffrey, C.; Blomquist, G. J.; Tittiger, C. exo-Brevicomin biosynthetic pathway enzymes from the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 2014, 53, 73-80.

(26) Jeffrey, C. S.; Leonard, M. D.; Glassmire, A. E.; Dodson, C. D.; Richards, L. A.; Kato, M. J.; Dyer, L. A. Antiherbivore prenylated benzoic acid derivatives from Piper kelleyi. Journal of natural products 2014, 77 (1), 148-153.

(27) Gaia, A. M.; Yamaguchi, L. F.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Kato, M. J. Age-dependent changes from allylphenol to prenylated benzoic acid production in Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth. Phytochemistry 2014, 106, 86-93.

(28) Freitas, G. C.; Batista Jr, J. M.; Franchi Jr, G. C.; Nowill, A. E.; Yamaguchi, L. F.; Vilcachagua, J. D.; Favaro, D. C.; Furlan, M.; Guimarães, E. F.; Jeffrey, C. S. Cytotoxic non-aromatic B-ring flavanones from Piper carniconnectivum C. DC. Phytochemistry 2014, 97, 81-87.

(29) Dyer, L. A.; Parchman, T. L.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Richards, L. A. New dimensions of tropical diversity: an inordinate fondness for insect molecules, taxa, and trophic interactions. Current Opinion in Insect Science 2014, 2, 14-19.

(30) Barnes, K. L.; Koster, A. K.; Jeffrey, C. S. Trapping the elusive aza-oxyallylic cation: new opportunities in heterocycloaddition chemistry. Tetrahedron Letters 2014, 55 (34), 4690-4696.

(31) Anumandla, D.; Littlefield, R.; Jeffrey, C. S. Oxidative 1, 4-diamination of dienes using simple urea derivatives. Organic letters 2014, 16 (19), 5112-5115.

(32) Whitehead, S.; Jeffrey, C.; Leonard, M.; Dodson, C.; Dyer, L.; Bowers, M. Patterns of secondary metabolite allocation to fruits and seeds in Piper reticulatum. Journal of chemical ecology 2013, 39 (11), 1373-1384.

(33) Acharya, A.; Eickhoff, J. A.; Jeffrey, C. S. Intramolecular aza-[4+ 3] cycloaddition reactions of α-halohydroxamates. Synthesis 2013, 45 (13), 1825-1836.

(34) Jeffrey, C. S.; Anumandla, D.; Carson, C. R. 1, 4-Diamination of Cyclic Dienes via a (4+ 3) Cycloaddition of Diaza-allyl Cationic Intermediates. Organic letters 2012, 14 (22), 5764-5767.

(35) Jeffrey, C. S.; Barnes, K. L.; Eickhoff, J. A.; Carson, C. R. Generation and reactivity of aza-oxyallyl cationic intermediates: aza-[4+ 3] cycloaddition reactions for heterocycle synthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011, 133 (20), 7688-7691.

Mentored Publications

(36) Hoye, T. R.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Nelson, D. P. Dynamic Kinetic Resolution During a Vinylogous Payne Rearrangement: A Concise Synthesis of the Polar Pharmacophoric Subunit of (+)-Scyphostatin. Organic letters 2010, 12 (1), 52-55.

(37) Frie, J. L.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Sorensen, E. J. A hypervalent iodine-induced double annulation enables a concise synthesis of the pentacyclic core structure of the cortistatins. Organic letters 2009, 11 (23), 5394-5397.

(38) Hoye, T. R.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Shao, F. Mosher ester analysis for the determination of absolute configuration of stereogenic (chiral) carbinol carbons. Nature protocols 2007, 2 (10), 2451-2458.

(39) Hoye, T. R.; Dvornikovs, V.; Fine, J. M.; Anderson, K. R.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Muddiman, D. C.; Shao, F.; Sorensen, P. W.; Wang, J. Details of the structure determination of the sulfated steroids PSDS and PADS: New components of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) migratory pheromone. The Journal of organic chemistry 2007, 72 (20), 7544-7550.

(40) Hoye, T. R.; Jeffrey, C. S. Student empowerment through" mini-microscale" reactions: The epoxidation of 1 mg of geraniol. Journal of chemical education 2006, 83 (6), 919.

(41) Sorensen, P. W.; Fine, J. M.; Dvornikovs, V.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Shao, F.; Wang, J.; Vrieze, L. A.; Anderson, K. R.; Hoye, T. R. Mixture of new sulfated steroids functions as a migratory pheromone in the sea lamprey. Nature Chemical Biology 2005, 1 (6), 324-328.

(42) Jeffrey, C. S. Part I: The Expoxidation of 1.0 Mg of Geraniol: A Small-scale Introduction to the Organic Research Laboratory Part II: Relay Ring-closing Metathesis: Controlling the Regioselectivity of Tandem Enyne Metathesis. University of Minnesota, 2004.

(43) Hoye, T. R.; Jeffrey, C. S.; Tennakoon, M. A.; Wang, J.; Zhao, H. Relay ring-closing metathesis (RRCM): A strategy for directing metal movement throughout olefin metathesis sequences. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126 (33), 10210-10211.

Publications: Publications

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